Monday 5 December 2011

Definitions and synonyms of the song title

Dance - Part of Speech: noun
moving feet and body to music
bob, boogie, disco, foxtrot, get down, hop,jig, jitter, jitterbug, jive, prance, rock n' roll, samba, shimmy, tango, twist, two-step, waltz, whirl

Cast list

I have chosen to use Lusia, as my performer, as she has a background is dance and drama, and she's not shy infront of a camera. She is interested in Dance/pop style music, and also has the desired look I was aiming for, with the long blonde hair.

Prop List

  • Gold Confetti

  • Pink Flowers

  • Ghetto Blaster

  • Vinyl Discs

Location list

  • Wyke College
  • Hessle Fields 
  • Boothferry rd Hessle
  • Hessle Foreshore

music video analysis

Thursday 24 November 2011

Consent form

I have made a consent form so that my artist can sign it, so that they know  and understand the terms and conditions and also that they accept that the video will be viewed by the public, and that it will be posted on the internet, this is also to make sure that I am covered and that they can't back out half way through filming.